We had a very successful Media launch of the 12th Wesley Powell/Heart Institute of the Caribbean Inv. T&F Meet at Excelsior High School this morning. As you might notice the meet now has a title sponsor, which is a testament to the growth and development of the event in recent years. The keynote speaker was Senor Rigoberto Zarza, the Consul of the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Jamaica. Senor Zarza spoke on the development of sports in Cuba and it's contribution to moral and social development. He compared sports as it existed before the revolution in his country as opposed to what exists today.
Dr Ernest Madu brought greetings on behalf of the title sponsors, The Heart Institute of the Caribbean. He spoke in the same vein as the Consul, noting the disciplinary, character building and health benefits of participating in sports while indicating that he expects his organization's relatioship with the meet to continue beyond this year.
Several media houses were present at the lauch including both TV stations as well the print media.
We now look forward to the meet itself which kicks off at 8:30am next week Saturday, December 13, 2014, at the Excelsior High School 9-lane 400metre track, 137 Mountain View Ave, Kingston 3. We invite all who can, to come out and enjoy a wonderful day of competitive athletics.
Results of the meet will be available on line at www.ondirun.com.jm
We will also have wifi hotspots at the meet so that patrons, coaches, and athletes can also access results live.
Kindly see pics attached:
Presentation from the Title Sponsor to the school's Principal and the Organising Committee Chairman.Consul Rigoberto Zarza |
- Dr Ernest Madu
- Presentation from the Title Sponsor to the school's Principal and the Organising Committee Chairman.
Kindly visit and like the meet's Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/ WesleyPowellTrackFieldMeetExce lsior
where more photosof the launch are available.
Age Animo,
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